The December 14 at 6:00 pm. the responsible for the art direction of joined as a member of the Organization in a singular event in Alicante City Centre. In more than 710 cities of the world, Pecha Kucha Night Alicante vol. 4 began in the agora of the Fnac.

Hugo Gómez The Creative Creature in Pecha Kucha Alicante vol. 4


Eleven speakers faced their 20 images x 20 seconds of glory surrounded by large creatives and professionals from different fields. The facilities of La Fnac Alicante (Spain) were small that evening to attend an event with a suggestive naming, Pecha Kucha, but full of ideas and experiences.

Great success of Pecha Kucha Alicante volumen 4


Illustrators, university students, psychologists, creatives, photography experts, architects, ham radio transmitters and other disciplines configured an event with own, professional style and very characteristic lines.

Hugo Gómez, whose Criatura Creativa remains one of the most significant blogs in national marketing, he focused some keys to make our daily life still more creative. In addition la Errería, “architecture office”, explained his recent philosophy “cost-hich arch”. Meanwhile, Juan Carlos Castro, coming from Barbarela Studio, focused its “speech” on digital manufacturing and the concept of “FabLabs”.

Great assistance to Pecha Kucha Night Alicante


The Illustrator and representative of Cabeza VoladoraArly Jones, carried out a review of the current context that is going through the illustration and drawing in Alicante. For its part, “Veo, veo. What do you you see?”, was the title chosen in the presentation of Enrique Martínez who increased the feedback with the gathered there through techniques and Visual exercises. That warned us of the significance of the concept of sustainability in the context of innovation of our day was Ester Gisbert. Meanwhile, Pedro Martínez  gave the amateur radio control to the audience to explain his background towards a still lively activity.

Rubén Gómez Radioboy bet on a daring and creative staging with a disruptive speech. Carolina Salas, on the other hand, was inspired by Salvador Dalí to connect her message by combining psychology and art. Subsequently, Luisa Martín, leading “The Magnetic whale”, exposed the opportunities perceived today in architecture. Finally were responsible for of Disseny CV twho approached the daily reality of the sector the Valencian Community.

Pecha Kucha Alicante volumen 4


From and as a member of ACREA (Association of Creators from Alicante) I give thanks the team for their great work during the event. The successful campaign and strategic diffusion in social media, made from the  4th in the province of Alicante a success. I am sure that attendees at the agora of La Fnac perceived the effort and dedication of the speakers. Also, I encourage you to continue ACREA team with interesting initiatives like this to share knowledge and huge experiences among professionals of different disciplines.