In the heart of Europe, there is a country embraced by the Alps which was not neutral to become in the Decade of the 80’s en el verdadero epicentro de la innovación, betting, design, layout, study and creation in art, architecture, typography and other disciplines.

Design and layout School of Switzerland

source: _Untitled-1

The Swiss country’s privileged and neutral situation or did but increase the development of big ideas, avant-garde, betting and points of view on artistic creation and design through a key institution: Basel School of Design.

Swiss typographic design

source: retrofuturs Stéphane

The chroniclers tell that not the recognized Luis Bárcenas an apex became interested in strokes, modulation type, or by the horns and simply remained in the financial area of the city of Geneva.

Switzerland Graphic Design School

source: Graham Smith

From the School of Economic Capital are great masters such as Emil Ruder, Jan Tschichold, Armin HofmannWolfgang Weingart who were raised different questions and to stay ahead of its time. What were unaware of was that 20 years later its theories and principles would be studied in the Chelsea College of Arts, the Miami International University of Art & Design or the Modern American School of Design of Buenos Aires .

Including the school of The Bauhaus, the main contribution to the discipline of design that is known to the School Switzerland is the Swiss typography (considered by professionals asLa Typeface). Created by Max Miediger, was employed in the use of constructive layouts for the elaboration of editorial design basically.

Layout and Balance of lines school Switzerland

source: Filipe Varela

In workshops and offices of architects and art directors in the world these bases and principles of layout and design still more alive than ever. From balance, the visual tension, coherence, rhythm, the taste for order, cohesion, the functional layout, symmetry or the arrangement of elements, modules and graphics based on a logical order have come down to us with a methodological basis.

Design offline Advertising School of Switzerland

source: Tamer Koseli

Durante aquellos años, la situación de estabilidad económica y social permitió a la Escuela de Zurich formar y desarrollar a grandes diseñadores, tipógrafos, creativos, arquitectos, impresores, técnicos, artistas y otros profesionales de diversa índole.

Basis of layout and Design School Switzerland

source: Marius Watz

In those years, the typography design It has allowed, fortunately, arriving until today amazing contributions like the Adrian Frutiger’s Univers (1957). Most examples can be seen in the signal system of international airports such as Paris Charles de Gaulle.

Typographic Design School of Switzerland

source: InvernoDreaming

The graphic and typographic approach that has worked the School of Switzerland has meant an intractable success that continues to the present day despite new ideas, trends and influences of communication, design, advertising, etc. Theories and perspectives of this school stand out especially for typography, character, meanings, and styles rather than expressive.


From I would like to highlight the significance of the pillars set up by designers and professionals of the Switzerland School continue marking the daily life of our projects with customers. Simply thinking about grids, typography, golden ratio, or modules allows us to pay a well deserved tribute to this great institution that goes beyond a simple “milk-soaked bun”.

Documentación proceso Diseño

source: brandon king