Have you payed to attention in detail to the graphics, designs, or fonts that are near you? are aware that many goods, products, objects or elements used fonts that never die?
It is likely that I would like you to get to know some very “nice guys”, like Eric Gill, Stanley Morisin or Paul Renner? Many artists, design, advertising and communication professionals are able to identify a good typeface and get the best out of all of them.


source: FF Bau por FontFont

This post is intended to be a simple tribute to all and each of the large fonts designers, and not so much, have succeeded in bringing to the top of the history. Among others,
Frutiger, Bodoni, Garamond, Baskerville, Caslon, they are just a few of the most recognized names in this discipline. Even these “illustrious guys” they were able to appear at a decisive moment in the history and, after his death, still today are still more and more alive that never among us. Whenever we select and type their names in our word processor they thank for it.

The existence of a German website with a ranking of the 100 most important fonts and considered by professionals of the design, advertising, graphic arts and communication www.100besteschriften.de has laid the foundations for this discipline. From this list a number of irrevocable conclusions are extracted:

  • The Helvética continuous today being the most reputed by the lovers of the good done in the design. Max Miedinger, After the custom of Edouard Hoffmann, decided to get ahead of their time and revolutionize the typographic world with a design to which all of us have failed rather than succumb.

The helvética has set a precedent in such obvious examples such as the New York City Subway, Jeep, American Airlines or 3M. However, another group of typefaces have gained prominence in different social, cultural, economic or political aspects in the world.

Application of typography in public spaces

source: sxc.hu

Another most characteristic example corresponds to the signage inside and outside of the French airport of Charles de Gaulle in Paris. As well as the identities of eBay, bp, Deustche Bank, among others, are examples of practical use of the Univers font. The typeface marked a milestone in 1957. Its author, Adrian Frutiger had a lot to say.

On the other hand, the Garamond font can be easily identifiable in the signature Neutrogena, with the claim “Think different” of Apple, in Loughborough University, etc. It is employed is on the rise in several fashion magazines, as well as enjoy great recognition and added more than recognized values.

From juanjook.com continued betting by the good typography, which resists to the times and is not perpetuated but it evolves without hardly flinching. Are fonts with capital letters. It use and practical application today are more and more alive than never in everything that surrounds us. Therefore, large font families, and in this case the typeface, will continue spreading his lineage beyond the baseline.